Keywords for Unprotocols

pieterhpieterh wrote on 30 Apr 2011 15:50


Up to now, software protocols have been designed with levels of formality that tend to exclude facile participation from the fat belly of developers. tl;dr: protocols in suits bore the pants off most of us. We propose the concept of the "unprotocol", which is a lightweight spec that's easy to read, fast to implement, and obvious to get right.

Inspired by and blatantly ripped-off from @monadic / Alexis Richardson's LOLMQ.

Keyword List

The core philosophy of unprotocols is that they should speak the same language as the people who use them. So:

  • OHAI - sent by a client to a server when it wants to initiate a dialog.
  • ORYL? - sent by a server to a client when it wants to get authentication information such as a password hash.
  • YARLY - sent by a client to a server when it wants to authenticate with some information.
  • ICANHAZ? - sent by a client to a server, along with some arguments, to request some resource from the server.
  • CHEEZBURGER - sent by a server to a client, along with some properties, to indicate a resource delivered from server to client.
  • NOM - sent by a client to a server to acknowledge that it's happily received some resource.
  • LOL - sent by a client to a server to reject a resource as inedible.
  • KITTEH - used in general to indicate a client or server peer. Note: considered rather too cute for srs unprotocols.
  • KTHXBAI - sent by a server to a client, or a client to a server, when it finishes some dialog.
  • HUGZ - sent by a server to a client, or a client to a server, to indicate that it's still around and not going anywhere just now. Kind of like a keep-alive heartbeat.
  • SRSLY? - sent by a server to a client when it refuses some operation due to access rights.
  • RTFM - sent by a server to a client that uses an invalid value or argument.
  • WTF? - sent by a server to a client when it refuses some operation because it's not meaningful. After a WTF? the client may retry.
  • ROTFL - sent by a server to a client when it refuses some operation and disconnects the client for being silly.
  • PWNED - sent by a server to a client when it cannot perform some operation due to being pretty much exhausted.


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